Backpacks in School | Teen Ink

Backpacks in School

January 18, 2019
By oenejack BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
oenejack BRONZE, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking around a classroom you would expect to see regular classroom objects. Pencils, pens, calculators, backpacks. Wait, backpacks? Not at our middle school.

Backpacks are amazing at carrying items they make moving with your textbooks, folders, and binders a lot easier. They make stops at your locker a lot less frequent, therefore lowering the amount of time you waste in the hallways. But when we are forced to keep our backpacks in our lockers, they provide a multitude of difficulties.

The problem with keeping our backpacks in our lockers is passing times. Not having a backpack forces students to limit how much they carry. If the student has Math and then Science, on the opposite sides of the school, well they better hurry up and get to their locker, or muscle up and take two textbooks, two folders, an assignment notebook, a pencil pouch, and whatever else they need. Or they could put it all in a backpack and it would be hardly anything.

While I can see the safety concerns of bringing a backpack into school, these problems could be prevented. The school could instate a metal detector because usually, the only thing that is metal that is brought to school is your phone. This would require quite a bit of money, but there are other ways. The school could instate backpacks to be emptied, then put the stuff back in. The positives are greater the negatives.

In summary, the school should change their rule about no backpacks. Backpacks are fantastic at carrying things, and keeping them in your locker just make it easy for people to get weapons in school, they can just keep them in their locker. The problems are causing difficulty for the students to go about their everyday life. Fixing this issue might be tough, but would resolve issues students are having with school.

The author's comments:

Backpacks are great things, but not being able to use them is not.

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