School Breaks | Teen Ink

School Breaks

January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Students wait all year until Summer break in Wisconsin. Kids get no breaks at all except Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring. All year we are constantly wishing for Summer and having a break from school. If we had 2 weeks off school and then 2 weeks off school the whole year, kids will be happier and perform better in school.  Kids will always have something to look forward too.

Kids might be mad at this idea because of school in the summer, but overall it's the same amount of school and breaks. Having breaks throughout the year will put less stress on kids and will overall have better tests scores because they won’t be so stressed. I think a 2 week break would be really necessary once in awhile.

When traveling to Arizona all the kids were happy and swimming when we would be in school. Having breaks will give us an opportunity to relax and hangout with friends more. We still learn the same amount as now but we don’t always have to have school on our minds.

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