The Benefits of Less Homework | Teen Ink

The Benefits of Less Homework

December 6, 2020
By Anonymous

Attempt twenty math problems, write notes, read eight chapters, practice a presentation, and write two papers are just a few things on the typical homework to do list for a modern teenager. Homework is a constant struggle that many students are faced with. Every night after a seven hour school day, a student then begins the multiple hour fight with homework. Having excessive amounts of homework can worsen students' grades and cause them to have a lot of stress. Less homework would greatly benefit highschool students by allowing them more time for studying and socialization. 

Firstly, one reason why students should have less homework is because too much homework causes them to have less time for studying which causes worse grades. High School students already spend around 3.5 hours doing homework every night which leaves very little time after school to study for tests and quizzes. After doing hours of homework, students are ready to relax or go to bed and are definitely not ready to put additional hours into studying. If homework only took students around thirty minutes to complete, they would be in a much better headspace and have more time to study. Also, test and quiz grades are more important than homework grades which is why it should be important for students to spend more time studying and less time on homework. That is usually not the case though for most students. Most students do their mandatory homework first and then leave whatever extra time is left to study, which sometimes may only be ten minutes. This can cause poor test and quiz grades, which can greatly hurt a students overall grade, even if they got a 100% on their homework. Less homework would allow students to have more time for studying, which would improve their test and quiz grades. 

Secondly, students should have less homework because it would allow them to have more time for socialization. Less homework would result in better family relationships. After school, most students immediately start into hours of homework and barely have time to even tell their families hello, much less have time to actually talk with them. When students are younger they often have time to tell their families about their day, have a family game night, or even do a family movie night, but once students get older, the time for that lessens as the amount of homework increases. This causes students to lose relationships with their parents and siblings. Additionally, less homework would result in less stress. Homework causes students to have less time to relax and less time for themselves. After working hard all day at school, it is important for students to have time to do the things that they enjoy, but homework often prevents that. If homework took minutes instead of hours, students would have more time to take a walk, play outside, watch T.V., or take a long relaxing bath to relax their brains after school. The large quantity of  homework causes students a lot of stress and very little time to relax. Less homework would allow students more time for their families and for themselves. 

Opposingly, some people think that homework is vital because it allows students to get extra help individually from their parents. Though this may be true for a few students, most parents are too busy with work and other kids to help a student with homework. Also, many parents do not know how to assist with homework especially at the highschool level. Since most parents are not able to help with homework, the point of students getting individual help from their parents is completely invalid. 

Students should be assigned less homework because it would allow more time for studying and more time for family and relaxation. Less homework would give students more time in the afternoon to study and prepare for their major assessments resulting in better grades. Less homework would also allow for more time to spend with family and relaxation resulting in better relationships with their family and improved mental health. Students should be assigned the minimum amount of homework; if there are four classes a day, only about 10 minutes of homework per class should be assigned resulting in about forty minutes of homework per day. This would allow for plenty of time for studying, family, and relaxation. 

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