I had an argument and need advice | Teen Ink

I had an argument and need advice

February 4, 2021
By Anonymous

I'm new to this sight so sorry if I do this wrong.

Last year I joined a new school. I made loads of friends and everything is great apart from one girl. I'm gonna call her jess. Jess is clingy and spoiled by her mother, in her opinion Jess can do no wrong.

Jess latched onto my friend group and we found that she is very manipulative and took the nicest/weakest away from us because Leigh (fake name) could not escape jess. Leigh told me herself that she regrets not doing something about Jess before she Leigh moved school. My personal hatred of Jess came from first impressions. She seemed like a bad person and was annoying to everyone. Later that year Jess and an old friend of mine had a small argument she later told me that if I'm friends with her I cant be Jesse's friend. I just said okay and walked off. 

Well that meant nothing to Jess because the same day she approached me without an apology and spoke to me as if I was actually her friend. From that point on I have treated her as an acquaintance but she never noticed my change In attatude. The most recent and largest issue took place of a group chat. Me and the others were having a normal conversation about school and stuff. Jess: omg help!

Us: what's wrong???????

Cassie (who was on a call pretending to be her friend): she at the gym on a machine that is making her dizzy dw. 

Jess: sends vid of her on the machine (one of them vibrating plates you stand on): omg I feel really faint. You would understand if you were there. i obviously have friends who don't care about me.

Cassie: don't say that. We haven't said anything bad to you and have been good to you. You had no reason to say that.

Charlie: yeah we didn't do anything

Me: yeah you didn't even give us a chance to reply to you before assuming that we hate you

Jess (later) : omg why r u so offended it's just how I felt at the time 

Me Cassie and Charlie: because you told us we didn't care about you and we didn't do anything wrong. It is horrible because you obviously don't appreciate us although we are always there for you!!!!

Emma:guys what's the problem?? (Sees messages) Jess that is horrible if you don't appreciate us just say you don't want to be our friend and apologize

Polly: omg guys you are overreacting she didn't do anything wrong 🤠🔫

few days later

Me: Jess we are still really upset about what you said because we feel like we have wasted our time on somebody who doesn't appreciate usJess: omg is this still going on?! God just get over it . Us: say sorry and we will Jess: didn't do anything! Us: you told us we don't care!!! Jesse's mother: you are disgusting and I'm not surprised Jess is so upset I am going to the school about this bullying. Everyone leaves chat. Later: Cassie asked Jess why she tagged strangers in her tiktok. Jess:not a big deal. Cassie: I just don't know them and don't want my vid shown to strangers. Jess: GETS CASSIE BANNED FROM TIKTOK??????? 

we blocked Jess on every form of social media and because we are good at school we are unprepared for what might happen because jess twists stories and so does her mum.

We are all really panicking. What would you do in this situation when we go back to school. All we know is that we are going to stay as far away from Jess as humanly possible. Please give me tips on how to go about this. We are nerds so don't get in trouble at all so we cant really deal with teachers interrogating us. 

The author's comments:

Nearly all of us have severe anxiety. Two are medicated  so we need some coping strategies for when this is brought up

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