Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

October 6, 2021
By JoeyO5002 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
JoeyO5002 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name Joseph is old. Passed on for as long as time. Traced back from origins of the old testament of the Bible. Joseph means to increase or move on. To me it means everlasting or ordinary. 

Joseph is the 10th most common name in the US. More than 2.3 million people in the US have the name. My name isn't special or unique at all like a blade of grass or a blank wall. 


Joseph or Joey is like the color Blue. Such a common color for a common name. Joseph reminds me of the ocean. the waves. So many of the same waves washing away and coming back. Repeating, constant. Common.


The name is common. That's why it reminds me of the ocean. The ocean has lots of waves relating to lots of Joseph's. The waves are usually calm. Laidback. Like me. 


Joseph is a laid back calm name like relaxing on your bed. The -seph feels smooth as your tongue rises to the roof of your mouth then falls. When you write the name is looks friendly it reminds you of  like a small animal.


Joseph, Joey, Joe and JoJo. So many names in one. Everyone calls me a different name. My Mom calls me Joey. Dad calls me Joe. teachers call me” Joseph. My Friends like to call me all sorts of different types names and combinations with my name. sometimes pretty funny to them like Josephine. I don't really care what people call me, as long as it isn't disrespectful if we're not close. 


I wonder what different names I could have had. I wish I had a name that is unique. Something like Zero, Cree, J or kendric something. unique like that. I don't really know exactly what I want. Just Not common.

The author's comments:

What my name means


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