Should Inner City Students Go To College Free? | Teen Ink

Should Inner City Students Go To College Free?

May 28, 2024
By Anonymous

I believe that if a student in the United States graduates from a high school located in the inner city they should be given free college tuition. Not only are they living in a place that is poor and has a lot of crime but their parents are also struggling just to send them to high school everyday. You can be a very great student and graduate and even get accepted to college but if your parents do not have the money then your dreams will be crushed. I think the college acceptance board should take this into consideration.

According to U.S. News states that,”The July 16, 2015, Urban Institute report speculates that too many low-income Americans mistakenly assume that college is too expensive for them. The authors argue that if more low-income families were told about their likely financial aid packages, when their children are as young as 11 years old, then more families would push their children to take the demanding courses in high school that would prepare them for college.” This is very sad but true because even at a young age students see their families struggle with food, rent and bills and sometimes the parents will express that too. So if you grow up very young, seeing hard life can be for your mom and dad. You sort of think the same way about your situation. Sometimes it is really hard to see the positive when there is so much negative.

In conclusion I feel that poor kids have a tough break. Life can be hard and I feel that students need to meet half way with trying to make their life better.

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