This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

The school year all around is always hard, because of taking tests and quizzes, having to sit in the same building for 7 hours a day, and having to worry about getting in trouble. As well as being told what to do by people you don't even know. Although the last month of school I would say is ten times harder than the rest of the school year. This is a how to survive the last month of school, but first there are some things that you should follow!


1.) Getting enough sleep- You need a lot… of sleep. You should always try to be getting at least 7-10 hours of sleep each night. Especially, at the end of the year I would say is the most important due to the extreme amount of test, quizzes, and final exams. If you’re a senior, you have the extra amount of stress worrying about college. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can cause your stress levels to rise you could tend to fall asleep during class a lot more which can cause you to fall behind in class. This then leads to bad grades.


2.) Eating enough food- You should always be eating a good amount of food. Each day you should be getting in your protein, carbs, fruits and vegetables and healthy fats. Especially at the end of the school year you should eating plenty of food because it can be very beneficial throughout the hard stressful times. For example, not eating can cause you to not focus and do bad on your test and final exams. Therefore, you should always eat your best to try to have a smooth sailing through these difficult times.


3.) Studying- Studying is the first thing that I would think of when you say the last month of school. Studying is extra important because it helps you gain knowledge that you need to be successful, on your final exams and tests. Some studying skills that I use are flashcards, Quizlet’s etc.


4.) Taking time for yourself- taking time for yourself is crucial for your well- being and mental health. It allows you to reflect and focus on self-care. By taking time for yourself, you can reduce stress, and improve productivity. It's a chance to prioritize your needs, relax and take time to do activities that you enjoy doing. Dedicating the time yourself is a way to balance and have a healthy relationship with yourself. This is essential for your overall happiness. Some examples are meditating, going on a run and or walk, and reading a book.


5.) Staying organized- Staying organized the last month of school is very important because it helps you stay on top of all your assignments, exams, and deadlines. By keeping everything in order you can manage your time effectively, prioritize tasks, and avoid last- minute stress. Being organized allows you to focus on studying, review materials thoroughly, and ensure that you don’t miss any crucial details. It's a great way to finish the school year strong.


6.) Keeping up on all your work- keeping up on all your work is important because it helps you feeling overwhelmed and falling behind. By staying on top of your tasks, you can maintain a sense of control, reduce stress, and ensure that you are meeting your responsibilities effectively. Completing your work allows you to stay organized, manage your time efficiently, and achieve your academic goals.

The author's comments:

It's about the last month of school being the hardest.

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