Letter of encouragement to Past | Teen Ink

Letter of encouragement to Past

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Your high school years will be both the best and worst years of your life, you will meet new people and have many friends but you might also lose some friends. I always wondered “how many friends will I have?” but it doesn’t matter how popular or how many friends you have, it just matters that you are happy. 

Find your close circle and keep them close because you will need them.  You are faced with many tough decisions in high school, some might make you think “ is this really a decision I have to make” or “what will people think of me” but the truth is that shouldn't matter. I always saw school as a train, it would stop sometimes where you had just enough time for a break and time to think, then it would start up again and continuously move. You need to be able to have enough control on that train so it doesn’t get off track. You can not care so much about what people think, if you let that get to you, you will be more affected by it than you think you will. People are mean and harsh in high school, but you can not let them or anything in the way of you or school. School is…hard. Sometimes you might fail a test or not pass a class but don’t get down on yourself, you are not perfect and those mistakes do not define who you are.

 Go to all those football games, dances and state games because pretty soon one of those will be your last ones and trust me you will miss it. And Snap! Just like that highschool is over, 4 years goes by faster than you think, so live life to the fullest, make dumb mistakes, have fun and enjoy your last years as a kid.

The author's comments:

We were told in class to quick write using one of the prompts, I had chose a letter of encouragement to past self about high school. I am a junior in high school and wrote this from my past experience's. 

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