MINDSET:The Real Key to Success | Teen Ink

MINDSET:The Real Key to Success

June 18, 2024
By HarkiratSingh BRONZE, Ludhiana, Other
HarkiratSingh BRONZE, Ludhiana, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Fear, inherently, is not meant to limit you. Fear is the brain's way of
saying that there is something important for you to overcome."

As it is rightly said, “nothing in life is impossible.” We must have the grit to achieve something big in life and possess the virtue of optimism to find out that little ray of hope amidst the darkness which helps us to find the way out and turn the tables around. 
Seeing a task to be accomplished from far away, it seems to be massive which somehow hampers our confidence and faith to fulfill that. Amidst all this, if we set our mind in a certain manner and derive the motivation to do it, we in a way drive ourselves in a situation where we end up accomplishing that major task. 
Initially to develop the right mindset, one must introspect what are his/her strengths and weaknesses and look around to see what means are available. After that, hard work along with consistency is very crucial in attaining our target. Leading up, one must concentrate all one's attention and adopt various practices that only allow him to sail forward and not backward. Having the right mindset helps to tick all the boxes in the preparation that we cover all the basis and ultimately this leads to the pathway of success.  It enables us to be completely engrossed in our work that we are occupied with that we start accomplishing our tasks wholeheartedly. Also, it helps to set our standards and achieve great heights much higher than usual.  
In this fast-paced competitive world, there are instances of being jealous of someone else's achievement. Jealousy emanates from the fact that we only emphasize on the end result. We somehow in this result-oriented individualistic world ignore all the efforts which someone has put in to achieve that feat. We should learn to respect each other's success and even failures. A failure does not mean that a particular task is not his/her cup of tea rather it is a sign of effort that was lacking on their behalf. On a positive note, we must also learn from the idea that we either win or we learn, we don't lose. The moment we stop learning from our past experiences we end up losing the game of life. 
Being focused and having the right mindset does not mean being selfish and having an individualistic approach. Rather, we should approach things with a collective and holistic approach which helps us to grow as a whole group. This polishes our intellect and is a process of grooming an intellectual society. 
Moreover, the ultimate challenge in this journey is to counter the distractions. There would be countless distractions coming our way. This truly tests our focus and dedication towards studies. It also brings “our different priorities” in play. Having ‘guilt’ inside our mind on days where we haven’t achieved as per our targets is also beneficial in a way as it helps us to bounce back even stronger. 
Also, there would be many instances along the journey where it seems to be a lonely path. Sometimes the circumstances may be such that they become very harsh to face. At times, they even appear to us to be unbearable. Stepping up and thriving in such conditions is surely a testament to our attitude and belief system. 
As coal under significant pressure conditions changes to diamond. Similarly, when a man faces adverse circumstances in his life, it somehow turns out to be life changing as he learns to be more resilient, competitive, tolerant and daring than ever before. Personally, seeing and experiencing the sweet result of a due process and a right mindset that enabled the things to happen actually in reality for which you’ve planned and worked hard for many days, months altogether is just a surreal feeling altogether and that fills me with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment. 
In the nutshell, by following the due process- working at your level best, maintaining consistency, having self-belief along with the right mindset assists us to deliver in the ‘crunch situations of life’ ultimately leading us to a stage where nothing can stop us from achieving our ultimate ambition in life. 

The author's comments:

Based on my recent experiences 

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