Should we cut music education? | Teen Ink

Should we cut music education?

May 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Mrs. Ward attacks the piano as I start belting out that solo. This is the part of the day where I feel most comfortable- music class. I feel like I can do anything; this is the place I know I can excel. I know I’m very lucky. Some kids don’t have the same opportunities I have. Because of budget issues, interest issues, etc. music is often the first thing on the chopping block when it comes to districts that have to cut classes. That shouldn’t be an excuse. Students should be able to take any class they want- music especially. Music is important, and shouldn’t be cut.
People come up with many excuses to cut music classes. The most used excuse is budget cuts; the claim that there’s not enough money to keep the programs. This doesn’t have to be. Money for music can come from outside sources. Students can keep music in their schools relatively easily. They can start fundraisers, charge admission, sell snacks and do other things to raise money. Schools shouldn’t cut these classes because they don’t have the money; give people the chance to find their own ways to make money to keep the programs.

We all remember the long days sitting in a classroom, listing to the teacher lecturing you about World War 2, and taking notes on it. Most likely, you couldn’t sit still, and couldn’t wait to go lunch to hang out with your friends. Music classes are like that for some people. Music is an escape- a way to take a break from sitting in classroom all day. Students (and even grown adults) can’t go five hours sitting at a desk writing stuff- they need to take a break. Music gives people a chance to do that. Also, people enjoy music, so they should take these classes. Schools need to give kids a break- let them take music.

We all have to take the main core classes- math, science, social studies, and language arts. Music has to do with all four of these. Music is divided into measures, and has a certain amount of beats per measure. That’s the math portion of this. You can see music in many ways scientifically- how the voice produces sound from the diaphragm, how music is produced by vibrations, etc. You can study culture through music, which is social studies. And the music is poetry, which is language arts. And that’s just scratching the surface. It relates to so much more than what I just mentioned. Music helps you in more ways than one. When you take music, you can see things in more ways than one. You can express yourself easier. That leads into this: music can enhance mental and social skills. Music can be a form of expression, and that can enhance you mentally, emotionally, and socially. And by taking music in school, all skills are put to the test- both academic skills, and social skills. Music really is a one-stop-shop for cures for all problems in life.

You can find other ways to do music. You could take privet lessons, teach yourself, or find music- related things to do in your spare time. But, privet lessons can be very expensive; an expense some families can’t afford. They can be very time-consuming, and you might not like your teacher. Also, teaching yourself can be very frustrating, and you could hurt yourself if you don’t do certain things correctly. And finding music-related things can also be very time-consuming, and very expensive. But, if music is kept in schools, it’s overall less expensive, and can be easier to understand in a school environment.

You need certain fundamental subjects to get through life. Music should be one of those subjects. And why can’t it be? It teaches you stuff that’s related to the four basic subjects; it helps you develop “people” skills, and it’s fun. Budget issues can be overlooked, just like every other obstacle. So, don’t let music be cut! Stand up for it. It’s just as important as other subjects.
Works Cited
Amario, Christine. “Elementary School Arts Classes Reduced, Reports Say.” Huffington

Post (2012) Web. 11 Apr. 2013.
Bryant, Michelle. “Schools Should Leave No Elective Behind.” Op-Ed News (2011). Web. 10

Apr. 2013.

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