Dedication | Teen Ink


May 23, 2014
By Jerika BRONZE, Odessa, Minnesota
Jerika BRONZE, Odessa, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Trust and believe in the art, not in the artist"

Dedication is sacrificing your time and energy into an activity or project that you feel strongly about with the goal of accomplishing this activity or project with the best of your ability. It’s working your hardest to achieve a goal, no matter what it takes. Dedication is a devotion to a cause, ideal, or purpose.

There is a lot that goes into dedication and into being dedication. Teamwork is required because it takes a group of people to achieve a goal, no matter how small the goal may seem. It’s hard to achieve a goal on your own. Responsibly is needed to complete the steps of your goal. You need to be responsible at every point of your goal to complete it. Hard-work also goes into responsibility. You should feel strongly about your activity, so you should want to do your best and do everything you can. Most importantly, commitment is also a huge part of dedication. You must first pledge your time and energy to something before you can be truly dedicated.

So, what is dedication? Dedication is many things, and sometimes it’s not clear of what exactly dedication or what it includes. I believe that dedication includes going above what is expected. If you enjoy what you are doing and believe strongly in it, you would be willing to put in as much work as it takes to complete it. I also believe dedication includes taking on more responsibility then the average participate. To really excel at something, you must be willing to take the extra steps to work towards it. Finally, I believe dedication requires working together with your teammates and making sure everyone is involved. I believe that the most dedicated are the leaders of the group, and they shouldn’t try to do everything themselves, but try to encourage dedication from their teammates. It’s hard to be dedicated into something when you don’t get a chance to participate.

It might be difficult to spot dedication, but it is easy to spot non-dedication. Not participating, not respecting the activity, and not caring about the outcome are several red flags of non-dedication. I believe that there is more to add to that, though, because in my definition you are either dedicated or not, there is no middle ground. Not being dedicated is not necessary bad, it could just be that people don’t believe strongly in the activity.

I believe someone is not completely dedicated when they easily let certain activities take priority or let other activities take priority. To be truly dedicated, it takes a lot of time and energy that must be sacrificed. Dedication is not limiting yourself to one activity. Someone could be dedicated to several activities at once; it just requires prioritizing to manage conflicts.

Dedication could mean many things to many different people. But, to me, dedication is sacrificing your time and energy into an activity or project that you feel strongly about with the goal of accomplishing this activity or project with the best of your ability.

The author's comments:
A short article of what dedication means to me.

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