Why Classroom Pets Should be Banned | Teen Ink

Why Classroom Pets Should be Banned

January 16, 2017
By adm22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
adm22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Classroom pets have always been a nice touch to the classroom. However it is not all that great for the animal stuck in captivity, forced to be in a loud, noisy environment.  Animals are not just a stuffed animal or a toy, they are the top priority when the school day is over, and some schools do not really acknowledge this.

One reason why they should be banned is “Rabbits - a popular choice in many schools - do not adjust well to life in a classroom, say experts at the House Rabbit Network. Rabbits like a quiet environment, are easily stressed by loud noises, and generally do not enjoy being picked up and held. In addition, rabbits bond with their caretakers and experts say they can literally ‘die of a broken heart’  when left in a dark room for hours, which often happens at the end of the school day. As a result, rescue groups across the country receive many calls during each school year from teachers wanting to ‘replace’ a young (1-2 year old) classroom rabbit who has died. By contrast, a rabbit who is living in a home environment can often live up to 8 or 12 years” (Classroom Critters)  Another reason is “Busy, noisy classrooms can be stressful, and small animals can be very adept at hiding symptoms of illness or injury (a lifesaving attribute when trying to avoid predators in the wild, but less than ideal in a setting where children are present). Even accidental rough handling can cause an otherwise social animal to become timid and defensive” (Pass On the Classroom Pet)

Furthermore, “Animals need food, water and most of all attention. Some obviously more than others. You should be prepared to provide all of these things on a regular basis” (Pets in the Classroom).

Also “It’s not enough to send students home with pets for the weekend and holidays. Parents MUST be involved” (Pets in the Classroom)

However, classroom pets can be a benefit.  For example “Children are using science skills as they observe a hermit crab and notice how and when it moves, what it eats, where it sleeps. A class might draw pictures to record their observations… just like real scientists” (Animals Make Good Teachers). Also “Perhaps most of all, animals teach children about caring and responsibility. Taking care of something smaller than themselves builds important character skills. As you well know, your young child is naturally in a me-centered stage of development. The process of seeing to the needs of something less capable helps your child understand the importance of being responsible and empathetic” (Animals Make Good Teachers)

To this day, pets in the classroom are still being neglected and mistreated, which is downright animal abuse. Some people might disagree, but think about that animal, trapped in a cage, in a room full of noisy kids, with no food or fresh water, neglected day after day. Think of how the animal feels, they have to go through that every single day for the rest of their life

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