Freedom of Speech | Teen Ink

Freedom of Speech

November 13, 2018
By SMainer6 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
SMainer6 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom of speech to me is fighting for what you believe in, no matter what anyone says.  You have to let the government know what you think, despite what others say. Freedom of speech will allow you to say what you want, but you’ll still get consequences for your opinions, unless if it is about the government, then it’s protected.  Freedom itself, though, feels like it’s a huge thing, like if you were trapped in a prison, and when you get out of it finally, you feel a sense of freedom. We need to recognize that our American soldiers are fighting for our freedom, and without such rights, and people fighting for our country, we’d be something else without the rights.  When you regain your rights after losing them, you see value in them.

The American flag symbolizes the diversity of the lives in the United States.  It represents, African Americans, Native Americans, and is a melting pot of cultures represented around the world.  There are consequences if you burn it when it’s not worn out, you’re basically saying, “Screw everyone and me!” because you’re burning the symbol of our people.  When you burn it when it’s worn, it’s showing that you’re putting it out of commission, because it can’t hold on anymore.

July 4th to me means our declaration of independence and remembering that we’ve separated from the evil king from back then in England.  We celebrate with fireworks and our flag, putting some shine in the sky. Saluting the past soldiers who helped make this country free.

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