Youth Letting the Doves to Fly | Teen Ink

Youth Letting the Doves to Fly

November 19, 2023
By Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
49 articles 15 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When things get hard, stop for awhile and look back and see how far you’ve come. Don’t forget how rewarding it is. You are the most beautiful flower, more than anyone else in this world.”

"Peace is not the highest goal in life. It is the most fundamental requirement". This is a famous quote that brings the importance of a peaceful world to light. To me, a peaceful world is a place free of weapons and justice is available to everyone. A peaceful world is a place where the flames of racism and gender criticism do not burn. Even though we expect peace in modern society, does it really exist? Armed mobs named racism, gender criticism, social status criticism, and many more assault society daily. Many people have forgotten that the same blood runs through all humans. It often seems that the world is being covered by dark clouds day by day. But there is a light that can impel the white dove of peace to rule the world by chasing away the evil spirits of war, racism, and criticism. This light is none other than "the youth".

The youth are gifted with strength, creative thinking, leadership qualities, knowledge, passion, and fresh perspectives to change the world. A significant portion, i.e., 1.8 billion of the world’s population, belongs to the youth. International organizations such as the UN and UNESCO give many opportunities for the youth to keep their feet on the ground for peace building. In present societies, there are many exchange programs where youth from any race, religion, or complexion can participate to experience the diversity of the world and build bridges among each and every diverse group. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development also shows the importance of youth participation in peace building.

At all levels, including schools and universities, the youth are being educated to build peace in the world. Peace building is promoted in the society of the youth, as it is visible when they join their hands together to spread the message of peace and harmony. Presently, the youth follow the SDGs, and they play major roles in solving social issues while building peace. The cooperation of the youth is highly expected in many social matters, such as "Black Lives Matter," where their aim is to build peace among every citizen by breaking the perceived barriers ice of the skin complexion. Young people can take action to stop the injustice from happening to black people and make people of all colors equal. We are able to show the world that skin color should not limit the peacefulness of the world.

They can also take part to avoid racism. Throughout the history of the world,the roots of conflicts in many groups are found in nationality, religion, social class, language, and culture. By being more inclusive, young people can demonstrate that the world will be a better place if diversity exists peacefully. A single colored box of crayons cannot create a vivid drawing. Adapting and respecting every culture is a must, as they all have their own unique identity and beauty.

Moreover, the youth can join hands to protest the injustice that has occurred to the LGBTQ+ community. Marginalizing people by their sexual orientation or gender identity is a serious matter occurring in the world. By participating in programs that empower the LGBTQ+ community, young people can send a message to the world that, ‘Love is not based on gender identity’ by letting the colors of the rainbow to shine more. Furthermore, we see nations in the present world which offer less opportunities and rights for women and girls. As future adults, we can join our hands to literate girls and stand against injustice
which occurs towards women. In history, we see many young people who stood for gender rights, such as Malala Yousufzai, Shiori Ito, Yara Shahidi, and Sophie Cruz. By giving equal rights to such marginalized groups, the youth lend a helping hand to build a peaceful future.

In summation, it is the responsibility of the youth to create a peaceful future. As the saying goes, “Peace starts with a smile”., We young people can start our service towards building peace with a smile and by dedicating ourselves to peaceful causes. As the future stewards of the world, it is our responsibility to cooperate and send the doves of peace to travel the world.

The author's comments:

Just a little message of peace!

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