Adichie-1 Clinton- 0 | Teen Ink

Adichie-1 Clinton- 0

May 1, 2024
By Anonymous

Adichie is better than Clinton in terms of reading and analyzing her speech. Adichie's speech reaches the audience by conforming her speech to adjust the social issue which is men and women being taught the wrong ways to adjust in how you treat the opposite gender, while Clinton tries to reach the audience but fails since nobody understands her complex statistical information along with the grammar she uses to report them. Both speeches are based on the ideas of feminism and both oer a solution to help feminism further progress in its journey to reach proper equality among men and women. Clinton fails to really show the gravity of her statement that is quite complex to understand unless thoroughly revised by someone, while Adichie clearly identies her message that she wants to be spread throughout the people.
Adichie focuses on the public image of feminism to appeal to our senses of understanding feminism so that the negative image can be repealed from the people's false narratives. This is most seen throughout the early stages of the speech. Adichie states “ He told me that people were saying my novel was feminist, and his advice to me he was shaking his head sadly as he spoke was that I should never call myself a feminist since feminists are women who are unhappy because they cannot nd husbands. So I

decided to call myself a Happy Feminist.” This shows how feminists are looked down upon due to their false narrative that gets spoken out to the people making the people think feminists are smth that they are not. Chichi states “ Then an academic, a Nigerian woman, told me that feminism was not our culture, that feminism was un-African, and I was only calling myself a feminist because I had been inuenced by Western books.” This quote represents another common misconception about feminists. This quote is important due to how it shows a social issue among society that can be easily changed but yet still struggles due to the people’s conservative ideals that keep everything the same due to how they think certain changes would aect society negatively.
Clinton expresses her solution to the feminism issue by suggesting that more women enter the labor workforce to show their efficiency and progressional growth while working to boost economic growth along with fixing societal issues. It states in Clinton’s speech that “a McKinsey study found that women went from holding 37 percent of all jobs to nearly 48 percent over the past 40 years, and that in sheer value terms, these women have punched well above their weight.”. Clinton’s speech quote above states that women have gained more control in their labor work and this conclusion was made by a study from a research it’s that shows a long term progression of 40 years of the women’s involvement in the labor force. This statement is inefficient due to the fact that the basic language used in the quote is quite controversial and not easy or at least easily understood by the common head unless deeply studied into, her language use is a bit too complex for the average female to really understand her entire motive throughout the speech other than it meant to be empowering women.

Adichie’s speech is so much more combative and supportive to the feminist movement that it completely gaps the reach that Clinton made with her speech. Adichie focuses on the main things most women go through in their daily lifestyles such as sexual harassment, prejudice, sexism and the moments where their choices on their body or future lifestyle are intervened by partners and/or parents, she decides to talk about how they are wrong and unjust, this allows her to really connect and reach her audience to convince them to follow or even directly listen to her sayings while Clinton looks at the economic aspect hoping it has the ability to reach her audiences mental understanding. It states in Adichie's speech that “ My own definition is a feminist is a man or a woman who says, yes, there's a problem with gender as it is today and we must fix it, we must do better. All of us, women and men, must do better.”. I believe that adichie is a better argument for a more socially inclusive speech due to how this quote had resonated with my understanding of the feminist movement. This quote had meant that anyone can be included in a movement as long as it’s meant to make a difference in the world for it to be a better place for both men and women, this quote made me feel involved and inclined to be a better person to everyone regardless of gender and ethnicity, I did not feel this while going through Clinton’s speech.
Adichie is felt to be the “better speech” in terms of how it reaches and relates to the women of todays generation unlike Clinton’s speech. Adichie faces the problems of todays generation such as over masculating men and mistreating women in numerous ways, such as controlling behavior, disrespectful behavior, and misjudging acts. This is not shown in Clinton due to the fact that Clinton is seeing the issues of feminism as a chance of business, she is seeing the issue

in the mind of a business women instead of a true and dear activist, that is the reason why Clinton could not and did not reach her audience the way adichie did. Adichie has the better speech under these circumstances.

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