Daughters & Sons should be Equal | Teen Ink

Daughters & Sons should be Equal

May 30, 2024
By 24neymon BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
24neymon BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oftentimes, parents are guilty of treating their sons with a lot more leniency and a lot more patience than their daughters. Parents tend to discredit their daughters and uplift their sons. They are focused on the standards that they individually set for their children, and it can negatively affect them because they see how they are treated differently or unfairly towards their siblings. 

Treating their sons and daughters differently can lead to gender stereotypes and inequality. They believe that their daughter has to act a certain way and look a certain way and their sons have to act masculine and doesn't define who they are as a person. A 2014 article by Michael Gochar, published in the NY Times Cites “a recent study of Internet search data suggests that American parents do in fact hold different expectations for their children based on sex.” This is true because I myself had experienced my mom having different expectations towards me and my brother and I found it pretty unfair. Mostly because I was the older one and I had to wait a certain age to get something and to do something,But when my brother asks my mom when can he do a certain thing, then she says “ at 18”  and now that I'm 18 I still have to wait another year to do certain things that I could've done now.

Parents need to treat their sons and daughters equally because it would make them feel accepted. That can lead them to have personal growth, for example a daughter who likes to do sports and wants to pursue a career in fixing cars or science and her parents encourage her to pursue her dreams and passions, she can develop a strong sense of self worth and confidence. Same goes for a son , when he's allowed to express his emotions which are more seen as feminine can lead to him having empathy, personality and communication skills. Parents should not create barriers between their kids, it's about your child exploring their passions and interests without judgment. 

When having a connection with your daughter and son without judging them, It can create healthier relationships towards them, laying a foundation which allows them to be encouraged towards open communication which can build trust. Also showing your children respect and acknowledging their feelings can lead them to not be afraid of talking about their feelings and their opinions towards something. 

It breaks societal norms. When parents break the boundaries in teaching their children the traditional ways it creates a positive environment of fairness and a more diverse environment in which everyone doesn’t feel judged for who they are as an individual. 

Imagine a world where every child is treated equally emotionally with love, respect and support no matter their gender. When parents let go of their old teaching ways it opens the door towards their children to reach their full potential and different opportunities. By embracing equality we can benefit from having equal opportunities and that can lead to people sharing their perspectives and ideas with the world without being discriminated against. We should learn how to embrace equality to create a more inclusive and harmonized society.  



Michael Gochar. “a recent study of Internet search data suggests that American parents do in fact hold different expectations for their children based on sex.”. 22 jan 2014


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