The Real American Dream | Teen Ink

The Real American Dream

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

One of the biggest problems that I have seen with the American dream is that people themselves and their culture are one of the main problems.  The perfect example of this is the black community, they consist of 13% of the population.  Yet they are committing 59.6% of all crime. Then commit 33% of nonfatal violent crime and 26.6% of fatal violent crime.  Yet they state that they are 12x more likely to be “falsely” incarcerated, but then again only up to the 0.7% of the falsely incarcerated population is black. And they make up 37% of the prison population.

In my humble opinion I feel this so called systemic racism is more of a culture thing found in the black community where they glorify gangs, murder, rape and violent and illegal tendencies.  So no the police are not being racist they are just doing their job in trying to maintain order and peace by patrolling an area which statistically and culturally will have crime.  And all of this can  be said the same as for latino groups and music, to the point where even their own ethnicity on the streets and on the force will agree that this is not a systemic problem but a cultural one.

There other key factors in which define if culture can directly affect the American dream can be seen in immigrants. The example being the more and more immigrants come into our country illegally the less opportunity to the American dream is available to everyone especially the immigrants who came legally into the country.  The reasoning behind this is the more people there are the less likely that just hard can get you to ur goal, due to the fact that the system is designed to help and benefit the people that came legally and the illegals are just piggy backing off the system.

Yes I understand that an argument can be made that immigrants are what this country is made out of, but that it’s built off the legal immigrants not the illegal ones. The perfect example is when the Irish came to America in search of jobs they did so legally, and now there is a program for immigrants from Mexico to come and work legally instead of crossing the border illegally. This way the American dream can be obtained by every person here in America the right way instead of going the wrong way.  This way that I am mentioning is the way my grandparents where able to enter the country.  They applied for this program and got work visas and later applied and got accepted for citizenship.

So in conclusion the American dream can be achieved by anyone and everyone as long as it is done the right way. As well as if the government takes the initiative to put in more regulation to lower the crime rate and illegal immigrants by going to the root of the problem, which is the culture of america. Once this hateful, violent and absurd culture the American dream will be realized by all the hard working citizens of America.

The author's comments:

It is an Opinion Editorial that goes over the social issue of the American dream

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