Sharpen that pencil | Teen Ink

Sharpen that pencil

December 2, 2010
By DannnyeDavis SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
DannnyeDavis SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone knows that sometimes we wear our emotions on our sleeve because it’s the only place we can put them, and we can’t express our self in the old fashion way by screaming in a pillow. And how can you get your feelings out by writing a letter and not sending it. You can get how you feel out those ways or you can sharpen your pencil and draw.

When I’m in a position where it seems that every decision I make will end up with me in In-School-Suspension (ISS), getting a ticket, or having to go to therapy I draw. When I draw I believe I can do anything and everything o want to do, and you don’t have to perform up to anybody’s level. After you’re done you feel as if a huge burden was lifted off you and the old feelings go away.

Drawing is the best way to express your emotions because YOU can do anything you want. You actually get to draw what’s in your head. You can’t do that while choking yourself in a pillow. So next time you feel like crap sharpen that pencil.

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