Some social issues that I follow.... | Teen Ink

Some social issues that I follow....

December 15, 2010
By Anonymous

Some social issues I am following are that people should be treated as equals, as in no racism, they should have free speech, and diplomatic immunity, which means you can't be taken against you will. You have legal rights we should learn about and sincerely promote. Our future does depend on it, this is God's will for us to learn these things. No we won't understand everything that is happening to us. We should remind ourselves and others what a right it is to be so blessed, there is a real god and a real freedom, to have that choice and to know him is unbelievable almost because he helps us to care for humanity and to care. I have read many things about freedom of speech, religion, freedom to petition, and legal rights. There are many neat stories about that, as also there are stories about people that almost do give their lives for their faith. That is an excellent thing that we should be recognising and thanking these people somehow, by praying for their families and them, and encouraging them, it says in the bible to encourage people and we need to, sometimes a verse in the morning or before bed can do it. The bible has a way of calming us. Some of the things we read may be confusing but I enjoy the stories of it. I think the one I really enjoyed was the one about the sheep that were sacrificed for Jesus. That was so neat to me. I think it is in Leviticus. Please don't forget to encourage family members and friends they love you so much it is going to be something they need from you in the coming years. Don't deny them their prayers, and words or blessing. It is the least that you can do. May god bless and care for you all.

The author's comments:
Human rights, dignity, religion, freedom

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on Dec. 23 2010 at 3:54 pm
missTaco BRONZE, Kingston, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Enjoy Today, because you could die tomorrow

AGREED! nicely written!