Should you believe in everything you "SEE" | Teen Ink

Should you believe in everything you "SEE"

January 6, 2011
By Wildcat85 BRONZE, Carroltton, Texas
Wildcat85 BRONZE, Carroltton, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Should you believe everything you see??

No because if you believe in everything you see then there has to be something wrong with you. When I was littler I used to watch wrestling, yes the fake one, where they get punched in the face 1000 times and they don’t even bleed. And every time I asked myself why wouldn’t they bleed but I still believed it until people started to tell me it was fake. How about magic Shows. They try to be all fancy and make people disappear but one day I’m going to look it up on Google and see how they do so I can trick my mom, but I’m sure it’s not hard. How bout that weather report, they tell you its sunny all day and it rains. They tell you it’s raining all day and its sunny all day. I really don’t get. If I were you I wouldn’t believe everything you see.

The author's comments:
its very awsome


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