Proper Judgements | Teen Ink

Proper Judgements

February 4, 2011
By c-mera SILVER, Glendale, Arizona
c-mera SILVER, Glendale, Arizona
7 articles 4 photos 0 comments

People are similar; as horrible as it sounds to any teenager, it’s the only way friends can be made. Just like one author said, “If you’re never lost, you may never be found.” Stereotypes can lead to our self-discovery. But they also have bad sides. Stereotypes provide a sense of identity, but also allow no freedom.

Everybody believes that a stereotype is a bad party of society. While it’s true that they don’t allow an expansion as of friends; they are a tight circle. This close circle will act similar and understand each other. A house doesn’t make a home, the people in it do. They provide a sense of belonging and to a few, a home. Especially to students who don’t have a stable relationship with their families.

Cliques are unavoidable, and if that’s not believable, our dramatic TV shows and movies prove it. Once upon a time, high school was a competition for popularity. While it still goes on, now students focus on what makes them truly happy. It’s a proven fact that kids who have friends that are close to them are less likely to be depressed. Not only that, but the human brain loves patterns and organization. If a closet or a dresser can be organized, so can people. It’s embedded in our human nature to categorize.

Of course, not all stereotypes are good. Categorizing humans by race, gender, sexuality, or religion is not acceptable. Stereotyping should only be based off of personality and character. After all, it’s the inside that counts.

Students all face stereotypes and their relationship with them throughout high school is infinite. Stereotypes are self-discovery tools, the start and end of friendships, and more. If everybody wants to have a home and close friends, then why push against them? These cliques are the icon to who we are and where we belong.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this article when I watched the movie "Mean Girls" a few days before writing this piece. All I hope for people to receive from this essay is that anything bad can really be good.

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