Inequality as usuall | Teen Ink

Inequality as usuall

May 9, 2011
By Erik Burkhead BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
Erik Burkhead BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What does America know about our current economic situation? Apparently nothing. All throughout the world around us the economy is taking devastating hits daily. Proposing a solution can often be the most difficult part of resolving a potential worldwide affecting conflict. With something of this magnitude, it’s important to have a detailed step by step plan to break apart the problem into individually manageable steps. With this in mind, the distribution of wealth among middle and lower class Americans needs to increase.
Primarily, spread the word. To spread the word of a very misconceived problem opens the eyes of those who overlook it. This will open up the people to the impact this may have on the future of our nation and will also open up that gateway of possible resolutions. At this point we can propose numerous tactics that essentially would put us in a very good position to take that first step towards a new world.
The first actions must be taken in the direction of assisting the lower and middle class. Today, unavailability in the everyday American has begun to become a problem especially with the prices of consumables skyrocketing, adding up to a hefty burden upon our shoulders. As of today, the average prices throughout America for a single gallon of gas are $3.78 and increasing daily. The Decreasing wages in jobs are the problem, but with corporations the only thing thriving at this point in time, you would think employees are getting their fix. Instead corporations are keeping this money much rather than redistributing it among its employees as they need it. As a result, the ability to buy consumables is going to an all time low.
“The developing countries like America are having huge shortages of decent jobs, since the latter are not being generated by their economic growth. This decent work crisis is accompanied by high cost of living and the impact of the world food crisis. This is leading to situations of endemic poverty” (Eroke 1)
This supports the fact that wealth is not reaching the people in a way where they can afford a standard way of living. One might argue big corporations may be thriving, but the fact of the matter is the people being employed are not.
Secondly, with the availability to wealth on the low, purchasing power among Americans will be at an extreme low, leading to overproduction and putting the economy into a similar situation prior to the great depression. In response to these two problems; I propose that America imposes higher taxes on the rich in order to give that money back into more needed hands. According to the Wall Street wealth poll, 60% of residents with substantial amount of money ($54,454 a year and up) admitted they will die with a majority of their earnings unused passed on unfairly back to relatives of future generations. Stunningly, according to the US Census Bureau, the top 20% of America accounts for 49.8% of the income. With Imposed taxes on the rich, it insures that a small fraction of the upper classes money gets into the hands of people who could use it a lot more.
Again, one might counter by stating that these people living the luxury of the upper class donate on a constant basis to charities and fundraisers across their residential area. But the fact of the matter is that even if they are even trying to make an effort to assist those in need, the current situation evidently displays that there contributions if any are small and have a minimal affect upon the outcome of these families living situations. “The rich aren’t helping the cause with minimal effort to assist those who really need it”. (Johnson 2) This supports the fact that a minimal effort is being contributed by the upper class and no significant change is happening with the current wealth situation.
In finalization, by proposing a tax to redistribute wealth among the needy, this creates a separation from another potential economic meltdown and depression. It just goes to show you how important the distribution of wealth within American communities is, with 49.8% of all income revolving around the top 20%, poverty is on the constant rise in the very least suspecting place (right in front of us). We see before us the potential chain reaction of events that could result in a eventual deep depression of what we see before our vary eyes today.

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