Patriotism in Schools | Teen Ink

Patriotism in Schools

June 6, 2011
By jollyk12 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
jollyk12 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine six Presidential Candidates on stage in front of an audience in a small rural town with nothing to it but farms and silos. It’s time for the candidates to put their hands over their hearts and announce the Pledge of Allegiance. Five out of the six candidates have their hands on their hearts (Truth or Fiction). Outrageously, the man who stood there, hands folded in front of him won the Presidential Election and is now the most powerful man in the United States of America. Yes, I am talking about President Barack Obama. What has our nation come to when even our president lacks patriotism? Starting with our youngest generation, Patriotism in American is dying.

Years ago you could walk into any elementary school in the country and see an American flag hanging high on the wall. Today a lot of schools don’t have flags in the classroom anymore. What has happened to good ol’ American sprit? If a flag is not present in the classroom, than kids cannot say the Pledge. Some believe reciting the pledge isn’t appropriate because of the phrase ‘under God.’ In 1943 a Jehovah Witness family sued a school by saying their children should not be forced to recite the pledge to the flag of the country they lived in. (Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) because they live in America these people can be Jehovah Witness’.

The statement ‘under God’ does not violate the constitution’s establishment clause. Religion has been so significant in American history we need to allow the phrase ‘under God’ in the pledge (Phillips). If the phrase, In God We Trust is on our money, don’t you think it’s important?

Why do we teach students born in this country to be proud of their parents or grandparent’s homeland, but not his/her own? ‘What students should learn in school doesn’t want to be taught’ (Westheimer). Students need to learn more about American history to help understand today’s world and conflicts. Teachers need to communicate crucial lessons from history that our children need to know.

There have been a lot of blemishes on the face of American history. A few examples are white supremacy, and the war between the Confederates and Yankees. This makes up American history and learning about some of the failures the United States has had, makes our history brighter. Knowing our history is a part of being Patriotic.

In late 2010 a public school in central California forced a young boy to remove a small American Flag from his bike because it was causing ‘racial tension.’ (Judicial watch blog)

Hispanic students were offended by the boy’s flag so they started to bring in the Mexican Flag.

The Principle quoted, “Our Hispanic, you know, kids will, bring their Mexican flags and display it, and then of course the kids would do the American flag situation and it does cause kind of a racial tension which we don’t really want. We want them to appreciate the cultures.”
How can the glorious Red, white, and blue, be considered offensive on its own soil? Especially while another countries flag is welcomes with open arms. This is grotesque! This is teaching our future generation that the flag is unimportant and can get you in trouble. Students should be encouraged to be proud of our flag.

‘Those who are patriotic tend to love their own country and tend to respect those who live elsewhere in other countries.’(Ravitch)

Loving your country and expressing it isn’t a bad thing. Being patriotic is about knowing your history.

‘Students who study American history will learn about the sacrifices of previous generations who sought to safeguard our liberties and improve society.’ (Ravich)

What if younger generations grow up dispraising America? People in other countries still try to make a life here, and the lucky ones who were born here need to love their country.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 18 2011 at 11:17 am
Wonderful essay. I wish every paper in the USA would print this