The Power of Foods | Teen Ink

The Power of Foods

March 12, 2013
By Leeguam BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
Leeguam BRONZE, Tamuning, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Having a healthy diet consisting of vitamins, minerals, enzymes from fruits and vegetables, and necessary nutrients, can be one of the most beneficial and advantageous aspect of your life if pursued correctly. Eating healthy has the power to prevent and reduce the risk of illnesses and diseases, give you natural energy to live a more productive life, and enhance your mental ability to focus, which would ultimately lead you to a more successful life. Having a healthy diet will empower you spiritually, mentally, and physically and should be pursued by anyone who desires that additional edge in their lives.

The reason us human beings experience any type of discomfort in our body, whether it be a sickness or disease, is because our body is lacking nutrients. Without it, our body won’t function. Nutrients are basically the gas for a car. It is what drives us and empowers us to live and feel alive. Unlike having a poor diet, eating healthy will create a more pure environment within our body both internally and externally, and having a clean environment in our body will prevent illnesses and hinder any from proliferating and worsening. Changing my diet into a more healthy diet myself 8 months ago, I can honestly say that it made some dramatic impacts on my life. For example, before I decided to change my diet and lifestyle, I would wake up at night, or early morning literally crying because of the unbearable pain that I experienced in my stomach. Nowadays, majority of the foods we eat contain drugs and lots of impurities which weaken our immune system. I am proud to say that, ever since I made the change in my life, I have never visited the doctor or had any problems with my health.

As life goes on, our diet goes down the drain. More and more people are eating unhealthy and people are wondering why the obesity and disease rates are going up. Over the last 30 years, the number of overweight children has doubled, and the number of overweight teens has tripled! This is solely due to an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Having an unhealthy diet gives your cells no nutrition, which leaves you and your body feeling drained and enervated. This is what makes a person so lazy, which ultimately leads to gaining weight or something worse. That is why eating healthy is so beneficial and advantageous. Nutrition will give your body everything that it needs rather than what your brain wants. This will leave you feeling indomitable, which will make you do things you could have never imagined doing. It will also give you a level of energy which you have never experienced before.

The most beneficial aspect of having a healthy lifestyle in my opinion is its ability to help me focus. Before, I couldn’t even stay awake through a math class, but now that I have changed my diet, I feel much more alive and energized and not only do I stay awake through my classes, but I excel in them. It really helped me to focus on what is important and helped me to make healthier choices. It not only creates a healthy environment within my body, but also on the outside environment around me. This is due to my body being abundant in nutrition, making everything inside my body function properly. When your body has everything it needs, everything becomes easier instantaneously. While there are many studies and statistically proven facts about the benefits of eating healthy, people should take advantage of it. There’s no need to wait any longer for more studies or proofs!

Having a healthy diet is one of the greatest out of the many other components of a healthy lifestyle. While other components of a healthy lifestyle should be considered and ultimately pursued, having a healthy diet should be the top priority. Changing my life around from having a poor diet to a rich diet, from having a futile lifestyle to a profitable lifestyle, has been the greatest turnaround. I am mostly thankful to God for giving me so many imperfections that I may learn from them and teach them to others so they may not experience the pains that I have gone through. Your life and your body isn’t something to take so lightly to feed it junk food. No one else but you is in control of your body, so whichever state your body is in now is a complete reflection of how well you are managing your body. For me, this tiny choice I have made made the biggest change and impact on my life.

The author's comments:
The thing that really pushed me to write an essay on this topic and even publish it was because I do not like the fact that many people are completely oblivious to what they're eating. I find this extremely unfair to all of us. Food may not harm you the moment you eat it, but the accumulation of certain foods can and will harm your body, whether it be a small damage or a deadly one. Through this essay, I hope to bring more awareness of the power of our daily foods we eat. Foods will work for you, or against you.

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