Gun Control in America | Teen Ink

Gun Control in America

March 20, 2013
By Ulises ramirez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Ulises ramirez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Over the past year, the subject of gun control has received more attention than usual.
Because of shootings like the Aurora Theater shooting and the Sandy Hook shooting, people are now living in fear. Gun control is an issue because there have been more tragic shootings than usual. Conservatives will say that more guns will equal less crime. In the other hand Liberals will say more guns equal more violence. I believe there should be gun control because America doesn’t want any more mass shootings.

One reason why there should be gun control is because young adults have the easy access to get a hold of a gun. Like in the Sandy Hook shooting a twenty year old man got a hold of a gun from his mother and went on a rampage in an Elementary school and killed over twenty innocent students and teachers. Also in the Aurora Theater shooting, James Holmes was a mentally unstable man who went into a movie premiere and injured/killed over fifty people. These two shootings have one thing in common; both shooters were mentally unstable.

A second reason why there should be gun control is that too many rounds are in one gun. Like assault rifles this gun holds many bullets which mean fewer rounds. In the Aurora Theater shooting, James Holmes had an assault rifle and his gun had many rounds that also killed many people. If this gun was a handgun then not as much people would have been killed in this Tragic shooting. Therefore, we need to get rid of assault rifle.

My last reason why there should be gun control is that people are now going to extreme measures just to protect their kids like over the past month there has been a bulletproof backpack invented! Guns have caused parents to take more causing about what’s happening in their schools and also what the kids where to school.

As you can see, we as a country need to get rid of guns so only police officers and people involved in the force only have them we don’t want any more tragic shootings like we had over the past year.

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This article has 1 comment.

jay unger said...
on Apr. 20 2015 at 9:42 am
jay unger, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
your so stupid. not everyone has the intentions to go shoot up a school. i go hunting with my pop. does that mean i have to give all my guns to the government? no because most people have common sense