There is Hope | Teen Ink

There is Hope

April 29, 2013
By Ash1995 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Ash1995 BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I know you feel like life is miserable and unbearable, maybe even think that nobody loves you, but that just isn’t true! First of all, think about your parents or anyone who takes care of you, your family and friends love you! If you were to choose to take your own life, I can guarantee someone would be devastated. Just think about how lucky you are. You’re blessed with good health and that’s something people pray for every night in the hospital or in general! I just want you to look in yourself and see how beautiful you are. You always have a choice. You can change your life path to someday be happy and successful. It might not seem to change or make a difference right away but it’ll never change if you don’t try. Who ever said life is easy or things worth having were easy to obtain? Life is a beautiful thing and worth living. You do only live once, do something with it. Try looking at the glass half full, try to forgive those who have hurt you and move on. Don’t dwell on the past; live in the present and look forward to your future, because it’s bright. Have hope and faith in yourself and those around you. Next time you pick up that razor and contemplate cutting into your skin, put it down. You’re better than that, and deserve better. Plus think about the scars it’ll leave. Don’t hurt yourself! There is hope for you. You’re smart, beautiful and strong. You may not know it yet but try and find happiness in yourself instead of in others, trust me. Life gets better.

The author's comments:
I had to write something for Creative Writing having to do with a message I wanted to get out to people my age and I see my friends around me struggle with depression and I want them to know that there's hope out there and don't give up!

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