Personal Philosophy | Teen Ink

Personal Philosophy

January 1, 2014
By Qumboa BRONZE, Crozet, Virginia
Qumboa BRONZE, Crozet, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We have not the time to take our time
Eugene Ionesco

Poverty is a problem in the world today because it affects your living and health conditions. If you get sick you don’t have the money for medical attention. If you can’t pay the rent, you will lose your home and might have to live outside until someone helps you. We can aid the less fortunate by donating to a food bank, homeless shelters or other relief organizations. Donating isn’t a cure, just a temporary solution. What we could do is replace factory machines with people who can still do those jobs that machines aren’t necessary for. That could bring more people jobs.

There's one fundamental law that all of nature obeys that mankind breaks every day. Now, this is a law that's evolved over billions of years, and the law is this: Nothing in nature takes more than it needs
Tom Shadyac

Global Warming is a problem today because we are melting the ice caps and that causes the oceans to rise and that will take away land and also a lot of animals that depend on that land for food and shelter. Pollution is a big problem that helps global warming by releasing all of the gasses into the atmosphere. That’s speeding up the process of the ice cap melting. Deforestation is also a problem because animals and humans depend on plants and trees for oxygen and for materials but we pollute them and cut them down for more buildings and houses.

A man with a soul is not like every other man
Eugene Ionesco

War is a big problem in the world because many people and animals die and there is also a good amount of pollution too. War is started because two groups don’t agree. It can be necessary if it is for a good cause: if some people are killing people for there religion and another country comes and tries to stop the killing with war. But most of the time it is unnecessary. Some ways we could stop war are we could think it out and talk about it. If you don’t agree with someone else, it does not exactly mean they are wrong.

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