The Social Nwetwork Crisis | Teen Ink

The Social Nwetwork Crisis

January 6, 2014
By Jonah Niklaus BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Jonah Niklaus BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Think to yourself, how often do you use social networks? How much do you post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Etc. Chances are, you are on these networks everyday. These social networks changed our lives in ways we may not notice, despite what happens to us everyday. As a whole, all teens share and post way too much information on social networks.

Of course we use these networks to talk to friends/family and to share pictures, but what you may not know are the dangers of this. In our society today, people have to draw their attention to these conflicts and problems. You have to be very careful in what you post. You never know if the wrong people happen to be on your profile. You can never be too careful.

The unknown dangers of social networks are not stressed nearly enough, by kids or their parents. As you probably know, today on social networks there are location settings or GPS. Some people think this is an amazing and great feature, but to people like myself, this is a terrible option. These settings let complete strangers find out exactly where you have posted statuses or pictures and exactly what time they were posted. People on these networks can see your previous location on a public map. Personally, I think using this feature is like inviting terrible things to possibly happen to you.

I don’t want to scare you, but this topic is reality. I want you to think about if you are alone. Say you are in a big city and you happen to post a picture on Facebook, with your location. Also think about if there is a dangerous criminal near by. They could accidentally or purposely see your post…Something terrible could happen. If something bad were to happen, it would be your fault. You gave him the option to see your profile information. The best thing to do is change your online account privacy settings. Its your choice and you have to act.
Another common problem we have today on social networks is cyber bullying. We see this problem everywhere and in some cases they can lead to horrific outcomes. Not enough people have the courage to stand up and stop it. It all begins with teens posting too much information. It could be started by inappropriate pictures or bad language between you and other kids. There will always be those kids who aim to put people down. Don’t give them the opportunity too. You have to remember, when you put something on the internet, it will most likely be there forever. Everyone could have the chance to see it. This is just something to think about before you go posting things for others to see.

Another huge problem is sharing information with strangers. Some people may argue about this topic, whether they are smart enough or careful enough, but this doesn’t mean it changes the social crisis. In many cases the people you may happen to talk to on social networks may not be who they say they are. Many people create fake accounts and pretend to be someone that they are not. They could fraud themselves as another kid or family member. They plan to set you up. If you happen to slip and tell them personal information, they could easily come and hurt you. They could physically or mentally hurt you if you share too much. This is why you should never share your phone number, family information, email address, pictures and text messages online with people and strangers.

As you see, there are many bad outcomes that can happen to teens posting too much personal information on social networks. Bullying, crimes, and physical/mental pain are often caused by social network information. Some people are just too stupid to notice these problem. For the people who do notice these problems, you don’t always do something to stop them. Do yourself and the people around you a favor, Stop Posting Too Much Information On Social Networks!

The author's comments:
It was my eighth grade writing essay on social networks.

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