Think First | Teen Ink

Think First

January 6, 2014
By Lexie_DeBrody BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Lexie_DeBrody BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
only god can judge you

Would you leave your door open for the whole world to come in? Everyone knows that teenagers use social networks almost every day. What people don't know is that many things that are put on these sites are not appropriate and can harm them in more ways than one.
Social networking can cause teenagers to be targets for stalking and can open their door up for predators to come in. If you put your address on the internet then there is a possibility that you will be stalked or even harmed.
Teenagers often are unaware of what they may post can be copied or screenshotted. They think that what they post can be deleted but it can never be fully erased.
Some may argue that there are things you can do to prevent this from happening such as putting their profiles private. These things can sometimes help but you are never fully protected.
Some say that teenagers are aware of what they post may hurt them and they believe they just don't care and think they should have to face the consequences, no matter what the cost.
Before you post just whatever you want make sure what you are doing is safe and won't haunt you in the future.

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