Having Your Phone Bill Paid Is Very Important | Teen Ink

Having Your Phone Bill Paid Is Very Important

January 8, 2014
By Breara C BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Breara C BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Having your phone bill being paid is very important for some teenagers because when we need to call for help when in trouble, when we need to call our boyfriends or husbands or other partners, and to call your family members from far away. But for some teenagers it’s not important for them maybe they’ll call 911 for emergency, handle their problems on their own, and maybe use their parents phone to call family members. But I want to talk about why it is important for us.

First of all it’s important for teenagers to have their phone bill paid so we can call for help when you’re in trouble. For example, when my uncle was in a car accident and he needed to call his sister and mother for help and comfort. Also when my bff was getting bullied outside of school she needed to call me for help this shows how it’s important for teenagers to have their phone bill paid.

Second of all cftci u ftguhnpm;it’s important for teenagers to have their phone bill paid so they can call their boyfriends or partners. For example, when my sister, Alandrea went to the store and called her boyfriend to ask him what he wanted for dinner. Also, when my girls were watching a movie and I didn't want to watch the movie but I was bored so I called my boyfriend. This shows that having your phone bill paid is important for your relationships.

My last reason why it’s important for teenagers to have their phone bill paid so you can call your family members from far away. For example when it was my grandma’s birthday and I wanted to call her to talk to her on my own phone and on my own time. Also when i called my uncle when he was in the hospital. This shows that it’s important for teenagers to have their phone bill paid. I know that some teenagers might think that having their phone bill being paid is not that important and they can do other things with their phone than having their cell phone bill being paid but to me it is important to have it paid. At the end of the day some teenagers are going to believe it is important to have their phone bill paid and some won’t, but just understand that needing your cell phone bill paid is going to be important for teens one day.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this article is the fact that I personally like/need my phone bill paid. It popped up in my head, that it would also be something that teenagers would think too. So I wrote this article.

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 11:52 am
Woo hoo, congrats on getting published, Breara! Keep up the hard work!