The World's a Pretty Awesome Place | Teen Ink

The World's a Pretty Awesome Place

February 13, 2014
By MegoMyEggo GOLD, Solomons, Maryland
MegoMyEggo GOLD, Solomons, Maryland
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world we live in has problems. I think we can all agree that one injustice or tragedy that happens is one too many, and so the fact that there are millions happening everyday is not a small matter. But today I decided that I would focus not on the negative aspects of life, but on the positive.
One thing I’d just like you to stop and realize is what you’re doing RIGHT NOW. You’re using
the Internet! The World Wide Web has become so common that some of us may overlook how
completely mindblowing it is. We can communicate to the whole world with the click of a button. You
can deny it but I think most of us will own up to the fact that, without Google, we’d all have failed at
least a couple grades by now. Speaking of Google, to those of you who have an account, there are
some pretty cool features on those bad boys. I’ve just discovered these cool applications, but at least I
have the excuse that I just got an account! Bunches of people that have Gmails have told me that they
had no idea about Google Hangouts and Google Drive. I for one had my first Google Hangout, and it
was very impressive.
I’ve wasted some precious page space talking about the Internet, so I guess I’ll just list off a
few more epic human advances: Airplanes (we can fly!!!), the television (Modern Family has me
hooked . . . . and also the news is kind of important), cars (they now do a lot more than getting you
from point A to point B), air conditioning (thank goodness because I think we have a problem with the
atmosphere), and so much more.
All of the things I just talked about are all tangible, but there is so much more in this world that
we can’t see that is still capable of leaving someone speechless. There is still so much that we don’t
understand, but the great thing about people is that we seem to have an insatiable desire to keep digging
and pushing to know more, to do more. To think of where we were forty years ago compared to where
we are today is just one example of the power we can have if we act on it, even if it is a microscopic
dot on the timeline of the Earth. So go people! We rock!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 17 2016 at 5:20 pm
Writergirl009 BRONZE, Hudson, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 13 comments
I really liked your essay. The internet truly is a very important aspect of our lives! Wonderful job :)