Response to "Waste Not Want Not" | Teen Ink

Response to "Waste Not Want Not"

February 26, 2014
By JaylinM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
JaylinM SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This article emphasizes how much food people really waste every day and how to reduce the amount of food wasted in households. I agree with the author and their stance on the unnecessary waste of food. It brings to light what most people don’t want to realize about themselves. Most people don’t want to admit that they are wasteful. People also do not realize how many people the food they throw away can feed. All this food that is thrown away just sits in landfills to mold until it decays. Unfortunately, the food that is thrown away isn’t always moldy or bad yet; people just throw it away because they aren’t going to eat it or are too lazy to take time to cook it. Like the author said, if the food is not going to be eaten, then it should not be bought in the first place. Someone else could easily buy the food that they will eat instead of throwing eat away. Hopefully, someday the people of America as a whole will realize how uncalled for the throwing away of good food is.

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