I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

February 27, 2014
By Anonymous

I believe that everyone should be truthful. I think being truthful is important because if you lie it can ruin your friendship. Lying can also ruin your relationship with you relatives. Evan when being honest seems hard we have to try our best to be truthful. One example of it being hard to be honest is if you had a bad grade in a class. On time when I had an F I didn’t tell my mom or dad so when the school called my parents to tell them about the F it was there first time hearing about it and I got in a lot of trouble. I wasn’t only in trouble for the F but for the fact that I didn’t tell them too. I have also lied to my parents telling them I don’t have any homework or that the big class project is due in 2 weeks when really the project would be due the next day and I would do it all over night and end up getting a bad grade. Everytime you lie it comes with big consiquenses. like when i lied about the homework or the big roject my punishment was to have bad grades. Usually one lie will lead to another and before you know it you life is one big lie. I say be thruthle not only because it is the nice thing to do but if you lie it copuld ruin your life and the life of freinds and family. You shouldnt deffinently not lie about how you feel. I feel like that is of the most important things to be truthful about is how you feel because sure you may say your just tired or hungary but really you could be sad because you could be getting bullied at school or you could be stresed and all you say is that your hungry or you had a long day at school. You need to tell the truth if yu are struggleing in a class too because we have touters that can help you shouldnt just act like its nothing and let life go on you should tell someone like you parents or teacher. These are just some of the many resons i beleive everyone should be truthful.

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