Youth Violence | Teen Ink

Youth Violence

May 20, 2014
By danielmoreland3 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
danielmoreland3 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Youth Violence

Youth violence is escalating and spreading, youth copy what they witness on television. They try to reenact what they see thinking they’ll have the same outcome, but some youth take reenacting to a whole another level. They’ll take the games to real life. In the video games they break laws such as shooting, stealing, and being shot at, having another life but realistically they will never have another life. Some people believe society is not having a negative impact on children, but youths have been manipulated by their peers, television and violent video game (mediaviolence).

If youth don’t stop now they’ll only continue to get more violent. Juvenile arrest rose 24% from 1993-2008 because youth have been manipulated by their peers, television shows, and video games into committing crimes. Even though people believe society is not having a negative impact on children. Though some say violence isn’t any worse than it has been , violence is escalating rapidly because juvenile arrest are on the rise and half of the arsons are committed by teens. Homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American males ages 10-24.In 1991 alone there were 25,000 murders in the United States (televisonviolence).Now 47% of arsons are committed by youth under 18.

Video games have play a huge role in the life of the youths. Games nowadays are violent and are only becoming more of an issue. Youth will try to do some of the crimes they commit in a virtual world into reality. Video games are supposed to be fun but instead the minorities imitate the violence that their virtual character does on the game. Television shows view a lot of violence such as fighting, shooting, and other manipulating incidents youth can copy. Youth can be inspired to reenact what they see; violent youth will want to bring harm to real people. If the minority is able to get their hands on weapons they can bring the game to reality (mediaviolence).

Some individuals don’t care that the youth are getting more violent. They think that if nothing is happening to them then they shouldn’t care. They think that it’s the societies fault for what the youths do, but it’s not video games and television faults. It could be the things they see in the ordinary lives that make them do what they do (TvViolence).

Our youth needs to stop the violence and a way this can be stopped is to make our neighborhoods safer. By having parents involved and knowing what their child is doing can stop violence from escalating. Another way they can make the areas safer is by having more patrol cars around the neighborhoods. Getting the community more involved is helpful because they will know the area better than anyone else. So that youth violence can stop growing and can start receding.

The author's comments:
I noticed how students were becoming more violent,so i decided to to write this.

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