Video games and increased adolescent Aggression | Teen Ink

Video games and increased adolescent Aggression

May 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Ever since violent video games have been mass produced they have been in the public spotlight for being the cause of acts of violence in the United States. In 2008 it was found in "Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry," that 97% of 12-17 year olds in the united states have played violent video games. Half of the top 20 video games of 2008 contained violence. Because of increasing reports of bullying and aggressive youth behavior, videogames are thought to be an influencing factor towards aggressive behavior. They often provide a safe and easy outlet for when I am stressed. Although people say violent video games contribute to youth violence, it is actually true that there is no connection between videogames and youth violence because a causal link between violent video games and youth violence has not been proven.

It is true that in 2008 a study took place studying the "Longitudinal Effects of Violent Video Games on Aggression in Japan and the United States," that showed that children who have played more violent video games at the beginning of their school year showed more aggression later in the year. Making researchers wonder if there is a connection between violent video games and increased aggression. In 2004 a study took place in the “Journal of Adolescence” that included 150 fourth and fifth graders to try and show a link to lower empathy when exposed to different types of media. The only type of media that was associated with lower empathy were violent video games.
Video games reward players for acts of violence with points or money. This suggests that these games are conditioning our youth into thinking that violence comes with a reward. Children are thought to be unable to distinguish video games from real life because of being extremely immersed in the game. Players are thinking that there is no real implication to their violent actions in real life because there wasnt in the violent video game they play.

Violent video games however do not have any correlation toward youth violence. According to the “Entertainment Software Association” website between 1995 and 2008 the arrest rate for juvenile murder has gone down 71.9% while the arrest rate for all juvenile violent crimes have gone down 49.3%. During this time the sale of video games have more than quadrupled. This means that because video games are creating a safe outlet for the youth. That crime has gone down which means the youth are feeling less aggressive because of this outlet for their aggression.The " Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA), the FBI website and Japan's Ministry of Justice website have found that in 2005 the United States had 2,279 murders committed by teenagers but in japan there was only 73. Per capita video game sales in the Unites states were $5.20 but in Japan the video games sales per capita was $47. This also shows that there is no correlation between aggressive behavior and violent video games. The Japanese youth is buying video games so much, it provides an outlet to lower aggression in youth. Lower aggression in the youth means less crimes committed by teens.

Even if some of the statistics hint at a connection, most studies can provide inaccurate data. Raymond Boyle and Matthew Hibberd say it best by saying “When a research shows that violent video games can cause more arousal and aggression its because the comparative game is less exciting”. A short term increase in arousal and aggression does not mean the child is going to commit a violent act. When research shows that they have measured levels of empathy in the youth, then that research is questionable because empathy is something that cannot be measured. Video game players understand they are playing a game. They do not contribute to actual violence because they do have an ability to distinguish reality and a simulated world. Video games also provide a safe environment for the youth to explore various consequence and rules of the real world.

Youth violence in the United States are thought to have been linked to violent video games. Yet, a causal link between violent video games and violent behavior have not been proven. Many studies have design flaws and use unreliable measures of violence and aggression. There is no proven connection between violent video games and youth violence because a causal link is yet to be discovered. The real problem is using violent video games as a scapegoat for youth crimes. Once we realize that there is no connection between violent video games and youth violence, then we will find the actual cause of youth violence in the United States.

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