Who To Blame | Teen Ink

Who To Blame

May 19, 2014
By SwaggyL22 BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
SwaggyL22 BRONZE, Fort Riley, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was told that Obama is the reason why society is corrupted. I was told that the mainstream music is the reason for our corrupted society. I was told that gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals are the reasons for the corruption in our society. I was even told that God is the reason for the corruption in our society. But how is a creator the corruption of something.

We as a society are blaming nothing because we are society. We don’t ever notice because we see what we hear. You can’t blame Obama for your complications. He doesn’t create your problems you create your own problems. We as a society are blaming the wrong things, the wrong people. Obama is taking care of the 43rd president problem. He is trying to end a war to bring back your brothers, sister, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. You give a man a hard time to fix the country in such a short little of time and then resort back to saying Obama is the corruption for our society.
We blame gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals for the problems in our society, but we forget they are also part of our society. They are not they ones to blame for the problems in our society. The mainstream music, you can’t blame those who are making money to provide for themselves or themselves and their families. Your sons and daughters are influenced by it because you let them listen to it. The mainstream artist put out what your daughters and sons want to hear not you but when it’s something you don’t want to hear you go back to blaming the insanity of the music that is being produced and sold. When a gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transsexual looks at you wrong or tries to talk to you and don’t appreciate it you go back and blame them for your problems and the society’s problems. I’ve heard multiple times that god is the reason why our society is corrupted. Our society is steady trying to a person or a thing to blame for their problems. God created us and the people of the society to work together, but we constantly at each other’s throats, constantly massacring one another, if we are going to work together we must stop blaming people that are part of our society. Society we are blaming the wrong people and the wrong things. Who is there blame, we can only blame ourselves
Thank You

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