Details | Teen Ink


June 5, 2014
By Mariamahmed109 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Mariamahmed109 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Look around you. Look to your right. What is so special about that lady, the one with grey hairs just blooming. What is so special about the wrinkles in her face and the wrinkles in her eyes? To most people, the answer is extremely simple, "Nothing". You walk away.

Now look to your right. Observe that teenager leaning against the dull green lamppost that you walk by every day. Her blue, skin tight jeans,black high-tops, and her florescent green crop top. You think to yourself, "Aren't all teenagers into this type of style? What is so special about her?" Again, the typical answer is "Nothing".

But what you failed to do is analyze. You forgot to analyze the against woman and the so called typical teenager. Instead, you brushed past them, not interested because they blend in with everyone else. Unfortunately, with the lack of analysis, you failed to realize the great differences and worth that both the woman and the teenager vividly expressed.

Let's go back in time. Let's give you another chance. Look to your right. What is so special about that lady, the one with grey hairs just blooming? What is so special about the wrinkles in her face and the wrinkles in her eyes? Before you answer, take a couple of seconds and breathe her presence in. Picture yourself as her. Notice how she is carrying two shopping bags with toys. Notice how she smiles. Think about a time when those crooked teeth were once loved. How those wrinkles dig so deep within her skin, they seem carved into her cheeks. Look at her hands, notice how her blue veins dominate her pearly skin. But wait, what is that on her finger? A simple band. You assume that is her wedding ring and think nothing of it. Instead you move on and observe her clothing. Simple. Nothing special. A checkered blouse with a random logo. Moving on. Her pants were violet. All of a sudden, you think to yourself,"That's a weird mix, red and violet?" But you think think nothing of it. All of a sudden, a young boy with red curls jumping up and down runs up to this woman and plants a huge wet kiss on her right cheek. "Mom, you are just in time for show and tell!" Show and tell? A sudden thought came to you as you realized that this kid was wearing the same checkered shirt and violet pants. Wait, is he wearing the same band that you just noticed on his mother? As if a switch was turned on, you understood everything and smiled. This "normal" against woman was someone's world. This "original" woman was someone's prized possession that was just about to get shown off in show and tell. Shaking your head ever so slightly with a slim smile on your face, you realized how absentminded you were and with a nod to the woman, you go about walking.

Hurry up, you don't want to miss that typical teenager you just saw waiting on that lamppost, right? Don't worry she's tell there. Now instead of standing a couple of meters away and looking at her like a creep, you go up to her and introduce yourself. With the previous minor observations you had before, you make a mental note to analyze. As you asked her for directions to a cafe that you go to everyday, you noticed how she has one dimple. You noticed how her hands nervously picked at the ends of her hair. And how her eyes turned the slightest shade of green as she looked around at the street signs. You noticed how her black converse had doodles made with a neon green marker. You saw how her crop top said, "SAVE THE WHALES", and not caring whether or not she was waiting for someone, you opened your mouth and asked her to accompany you to that cafe that you went to everyday.

The author's comments:
This piece was written to inspire people to observe and analyze their surroundings. As the protagonist analyzes the "typical" people that he encounters everyday, he realizes that he has been missing out on so much. This piece shows that you do not really know something or someone based on appearance. Instead, it is important that you "dig" for details to fully appreciate the unique qualities that each and every person has.


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