Why Quotev Is Better? | Teen Ink

Why Quotev Is Better?

June 18, 2014
By Anonymous

A lot of you that I know have been on this site for a while. Have you ever noticed the glitches? The errors? Well I find it kind of annoying, I had been hoping that the admin would have fixed this by now and well... They haven't. I often check up on this site and see how it's doing and well, it's still the same.

If you are sick and tired of the glitches and errors, I have a site suggestion. Quotev is an amazing site. You definitely have a lot more options in the site and I think it's a lot more user friendly and a lot less frustrating.

You see, I would often roleplay on Teenink, always waiting for my friends to reply. When they did, I would get extremely excited... But then... A error or a glitch would happen and teenink would crash and everything would just end badly, usually with me yelling at my computer or Ipod screen. Point is, it was annoying and I hated it.

I know it might seem harsh, Teenink is amazing website, for publishing books, photos, articles, etc. But not for roleplaying. So if you are looking for a better site, try Quotev please. If you join, feel free to leave a comment with your user name, I would love to follow you... Oh? Did I mention you could follow your friends? Yes, there are all sorts of different things you can do on Quotev.

So please join! :)

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 5 2018 at 10:57 am
rynn_krnbts127, Wentzville, Missouri
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of it

I completely agree! I can't use Quotev anymore and I read a lot of really good stories on there and roleplayed with a lot of people but I feel as if you don't have much freedom here. I tried to write a fanfiction and wanted to leave after writing at least one chapter because that's what I'm used to doing on Quotev and being able to save my work, but on TeenInk, I can't do that