Being Mean | Teen Ink

Being Mean

October 31, 2014
By HuiBen GOLD, Perak, Other
HuiBen GOLD, Perak, Other
12 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Being mean hurts everyone. It just hurts in everyway possible.

I thought I was passed being mean to certain people but looks like I wasn't. I'm not so childish to be mean upfront to somebody I dislike, nowadays, I just gossip about he/she, talk smack, harbor feelings of dangerous animosity. In the end, I don't feel good, heck, in the beginning when I started being mean it was because I didn't feel good. I didn't feel good before doing it, I didn't feel good after doing it, I didn't feel good while doing it.

I don't like this about myself. I want to live so amazingly, and being mean is not amazing. Being mean doesn't make me strong, it just makes me weaker, having the last laugh doesn't make me a winner. Heck, when YOLO, it's not about being stronger, it's about being happier. People can say what they want to say, and I won't fight, I won't get angry, jealous or mean anymore. I just want to be happy. And being mean does not make me happy.

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