Identity Crisis | Teen Ink

Identity Crisis

December 16, 2014
By Anonymous

I’ve always wondered if life is like the movies. Not necessarily the plot, but the way the people act. The characters seem to be so mature, and I wonder if people in real life are the same way. Being eighteen, I feel like people my age are a lot older than I perceive them to be. When I was younger I admired people older than me and could not wait until I could go through the teenage experiences I imagined they had. My freshman year I got a glimpse of that, but as time went on I started to isolate myself to spend time with just a few people. I missed my opportunity to branch out and meet a lot of people. At the time I didn’t realize what that mistake would do to me. Not talking to anyone or being social left my mind stuck on freshman thoughts. I feel like right now, I don’t truly see people how they are, but a freshman version of themselves. Except certain people that closely resemble stereotypes seen in movies. I constantly question whether or not my personality correlates to my appearance. I ask myself everyday what people see when they see me. I understand that what other people might see is not necessarily important, but it matters to me because knowing would give me a better understanding of who I am. Since I don’t know what to make of everyone else, I feel like I don’t know what to make of myself.

Moving schools also jumbled my perspective as well. At my old school, I knew everyone’s niche and the type of person they were. I knew my spot in that school Here, I don’t know the different groups of people. A majority of the people seem preppy, and although there were preppy people at my old school, these preppy people are uptight. I can’t find that laid back group here like the one I was a part of at my old school. I don’t talk to a lot of people like everyone else because I never took the time to get close to a person. I put up an immediate wall in front of people because I’m afraid of judgement. As much as I try to drive that wall down with confidence, my self conscious keeps it firm. I know I need to start being authentic with people, because deep down inside I know who I am. It’s just hard to let that person show. My voice literally changes when I am around certain people. I think I focus too much on who I am supposed to be, or the idea that I am trying to figure it out. I just want to find myself and be happy. I feel like to the rest of the world I am a loser, and if that’s true then I don’t know how willing I am to accept it.


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