Society: Contaminating the Minds of Little Girls | Teen Ink

Society: Contaminating the Minds of Little Girls

January 12, 2015
By Adele Ososkie BRONZE, San Marcos, California
Adele Ososkie BRONZE, San Marcos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society ruins the way girls think about their bodies. In our modern society the idea of the perfect body is for someone to be a size zero and have a thigh gap. Unlike in the nineteen-thirties everyone had some meat on their bones. The world we live in has girls believing they will never be as skinny enough. It messes with the minds of little girls, making them think they need to cover their face in makeup, and diet, so that they will be accepted into society.

Everyone has something that they are insecure about, and everyone who tells people that they are not pretty enough just creates more things for people to worry about. Every girl grows up worshipping someone, if that person starts to lose weight or get plastic surgery everyone that looks up to them will think that in order to be perfect they have to get the same things done. When all that should matter is what you think. If you think you look pretty and you like they way you look don't change for anyone.

When women are seen not wearing makeup most people will make mean comments like, “you look so old”, or “you should wear makeup because you’re not very pretty”. That makes people feel bad and they start to question if everyone they have ever met or known thought that they looked weird, old , or ugly without makeup on. If you naturally have practically flawless skin people will say things about you just because, they want you to feel bad about yourself. Whenever a man attacks a woman he blames it on how she looks, dresses, or acts towards them. Society make women believe that if a guy attacks her or if she gets raped, that its her fault. They convince her that it is her fault, because of the way she dressed or the way she acted. Any guy that has ever raped or attacked a girl has said, “she wanted me”, “she wanted it”, or “she deserved what she got.”

Society forces women to believe that they need to change to fit the perfect image society has in mind, but society should really change the image it has in mind because not everyone wants to look like like everyone else. Women also need to know no matter what anyone says if you are ever beaten or raped it is not your fault and you cannot mentally beat yourself up over something and someone you could not control. Men decide to blame the acts that they that on the women and children that they attack, just because you cannot control yourself does not mean that it is ok to attack someone and blame it on them. The world we live in today messes with everyones minds everyone believes something different.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mikey123 said...
on Feb. 7 2015 at 7:38 pm
You're making a lot of generalizations without backing them up. While I'm sure what you have described happens to some women (and one is too many) you can't make blanket statements about "all [anything]," especially without sources. You're also demonizing men. There are horrible people who do horrible things - but they're both male and female (and everything in between).