Live, Love, and Laugh | Teen Ink

Live, Love, and Laugh

January 25, 2015
By Anonymous

A few days ago, I found out what really is most important in life- it's to live life thoroughly, love your friends and family, and laugh along with them. It may seem odd, that I haven't figured this out already. 

When I started 7th grade, we had to do identity cards, and we had to include a quote which we lived by, whether we made it up or we took it from someone else. My quote was, "What's done is done. So cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it. When we presented these identity cards to our class, a girl's (I won't tell you her real name, but for now, let's just call her Alice) quote was "Live, love, and laugh".

Inwardly, I scoffed. To me, Alice sounded like life was about... smiles? I brushed it away. I am a stubborn person, and usually, only self-realization helps me realize what people have been telling me for months, or even years. At the time, play was work and work was play to me.

Today, my mom asked me to play with my younger brother. I didn't want to, as I was at the climax of The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale and didn't want t get up. My mom forced me to get up and told me to play with him.

We started playing soccer, and I dont know what came over me. I didn't think, I just played. I am usually a conservative, quiet person, so my brother was surprised to see me whooping and yelling with him.

30 minutes later, my mom came out to call us in for dinner to see two red-faced grinning kids. She laughed and asked me whether I was still bored. My brother answered for me. "Of course not! Didn't you hear her screaming with me?" I simply nodded. 

I've learned more from that experience than from any other textbook or teacher. That day, I learned about having fun

The author's comments:

I really hope that people understand that having fun is really important in life. It sounds cheesy, but it's true. Please don't be like me, and take a bazillion years to learn this and learn it now.

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