What Matters Most | Teen Ink

What Matters Most

January 27, 2015
By JaylenCarter BRONZE, HighlandHome, Alabama
JaylenCarter BRONZE, HighlandHome, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Adventure the excitement of going to new places meeting new people eating different kinds of food and just enjoying the journey itself. The excitement that boils through my blood when i think about going on an adventure just excites me so much, my heart starts to beat with a rythm so intense its what helps me make it though the day. The moment i wake up breathing in air and opening my eyes i know its a new day a whole new world thats not the same as yesterday, i have yet to leave my bed and i know nothings the same so it gets my curiosity going knowing i'll run into new things new challenges and more doors to open and explore. Out of all the things i could have picked i picked this one because its something i have a passion for. Most likely everyone would wrote about their familys friends and this and that, yes dont get me wrong thats important to me too but an Adventure is just something that truly keeps me going all the doors it opens and what they lead to never knowing whats behind those doors get me excited. Actually adventure had a definition just like any other word it means "an exciting or very unusual experience". The though just grasps me and puls me in i like to move forward never looking back on anything i feel like if im not doing that im not living, heck living is a big adventure it may not be the longest journey because we die but who says death isn't adventure itself, no one has ever been there and made it back to tell you how it is so in short im not afraid to die. In the end this is what matters to me the most.

The author's comments:

Its what i desire.

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