Imperfection is Beauty | Teen Ink

Imperfection is Beauty

February 9, 2015
By Emily Tran BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Emily Tran BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

According to Google, beauty is defined as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” It is no surprise that our world is very diverse. If we think about it, humanity as a whole is beauty. We have tall people, short people, and all those in between. We have black, white, yellow, red, brown, and many other colors of people. We’re a combination of shapes, colors, and forms. What we don’t know is if this wonderful blend of traits is going to please the aesthetic senses of other people. Sure, there will be some who will stupidly judge you for these traits, but that’s just not the truth.

Since the beginning of time, our human species has developed its own kind of beauty. In the current society we live in, specific traits for beauty has gotten worse. Girls with skinny and tan bodies, long, soft hair, and perfect eyes meant that they were beautiful. For guys, tan skin, a nice smile, and a muscular body meant that they were the man. Stuff like this that’s presented to teens in social media has shockingly changed the way teens live and how they view beauty. Teenagers are now getting more plastic or cosmetic surgery which exposes them to great dangers. Teens who are willing to get cosmetic or plastic surgery are at higher risks of getting nerve problems, infection, scarring, bleeding, and many other potential harming effects of surgery. Even worse, the changes made to the body or face are irreversible if the teen decides to change and they could possibly die from the anesthesia. All these risks that come with surgery are all because one just wants to “fit in” with society’s look on beauty.

What teens in this generation don’t understand is there really aren’t and shouldn’t be any standards of perfection for they and everyone around them are already beautiful. No one is better than any else. Although, some teenagers make themselves seem superior than others by masking their face in makeup, by wearing the trendiest clothes, or by simply thinking that they’re better than you. What these teenagers do is simply not pretty at all. They’re mimicking society’s image of perfection which is sort of like this mold that everyone is trying to fit into. I’m pretty sure behind every famous model’s photo shoot, they were probably doing a bunch of cosmetic preparation to fit into society’s standards. That itself proves that no one is going to reach perfection and it’s pointless to even try.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece were the things I saw on social media. People, especially girls, would cut themselves and even worse, would try to commit suicide. Seeing these images breaks my heart. I hope that from reading my piece, people would realize that imperfection is actually beauty.

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