Knowing One Thing for Your Whole Life | Teen Ink

Knowing One Thing for Your Whole Life

March 7, 2015
By Anonymous

When you move to a new place it can be hard to get use to the new life you know nothing about. But after awhile you get use to the new life you being to grow to the new life and just when you love the new life you have to move again. So you pack up your stuff once again and your off again to learn a new life that again know nothing about. After awhile the moving and learning a new life gets annoying and you get tired of it. You think that you can't wait until your out of that life. All you want to do is find a place that you can call home your home. The moving around that you did all your life comes natural after doing it for so many years. That once your out of that life you still want but you want to still have a place to call home in case it does still get annoying. But a home like that could probably never happened or could still be very possible and then you could move a lot like you did when your on your own. People could be very hard to stop with what they are use to.

The author's comments:

In this piece it is about someone who has moved around her whole life. Once she is out of the house and is out of the moving around and after a while she misses the traveling all around but doesn't know what to do.

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