Cellphones vs. Traffic | Teen Ink

Cellphones vs. Traffic

January 8, 2016
By Anonymous

When a cell phone goes off in a classroom or a concert,we are irritated,but at least our lives aren’t in danger.When we are on the road,irresponsible cell phone users are more than irritated;they are putting our lives at risk.Many of us have witnessed drivers distracted by dialing and chatting that resemble drunk driving.Numerous bills regulate the use of cellphones on the road.In state legislatures,using cell phones are seriously impaired  in law on reckless driving to not punish others.Deaths and injuries,high cell phone bills,and irresponsiable users are things that effects us people today.

No one can deny that cell phones have caused traffic deaths and injuries.Earlier in november,2015,two year old Morgan Pena was killed by a driver distracted by his phone.Morgan's mom says that the driver “ran the stop sign at 45 mph”when suddenly her daughter got killed.A week later,officer Shannon Smith ,who was guarding prisoners,was killed by a woman distracted on the phone.(Besthoff)Thanksgiving weekend,john & carole hall were killed when a academy midshipman crashed into their parked car.In court,the driver said when he looked up he didn’thave time to stop(Stockwell)(OECD 2003)

Frances bents,a technology expert,estimates that between 450-1,000 crashes a year are due to cell phone use(layton).A survey published by a farmers insurance group,87% of those polled said that cell phone affects a driver's ability and get’s affected by cell phone use on the road and 48% of people  say they don’t use their phone.Accidents have dropped 22% by 47%.When using your phone on the road, it increases your cell phone bill by a lot because u have been using so much data without being in wi-fi.(Kiesbye 2012)

When you are and irresponsible user on your phone,this could to suicide or hurtful ways.When you drive,you could be talking or texting(arguing) and could make them feel like their life is over and they want to crash into another car.Bullying over the phone isn’t right but also using your phone is dangerous.In california you can get a fine for texting,or talking on the phone while driving.These days,cars have built in devices where you can accept a call or text without not
having your eyes on the road.Doing that might not be as dangerous as being on the phone with someone and having your eyes not on the road.some people might have to use their phone if it’s an emergency and that is very understandable.(Trolley and Hanel 2010)

All three of these reasons for not talking while driving are will teach you how not to get hurt. My opinion is that i would never text or talk in the car.I will never bully or be irresponsible on the phone and  hurt someone's feelings. I have been over my data plenty of times because i would used data on the road when i'm not supposed to.

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