Social Issue: Technology | Teen Ink

Social Issue: Technology

January 27, 2016
By Anonymous

Technology is a distraction from reality. Why?, because it causes incidents like car accidents, bad grades in school and poor decisions in life. It’s important to spend time with reality rather than facing it off on one screen.
One incident can be your grades in school. For example, being assigned to work but your on your phone. Your mind more focused on the phone than instead of your assignment. It’s impossible to do 2 things at once, or else you’ll never get the work done. There’s time for technology once there’s free time.

Also missing out on important moments. You’re on a vacation with the family, but you're messing with your phone. Missing moments filled with memories and experience. The eyes are behind the screen instead of the beauty of nature. Moments like these should be spent wisely because that’s the only time family is available. They got the day off so that we can all have a great time. But some siblings are wasting time on one bright screen.

While another incident is our sleeping schedule. We people can admit we stay up all night on technology. There can be effects to not getting enough sleep. Sleep plays a role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep hurts the process in many ways. First, it weakens attention, alertness, concentration and problem solving. It makes it more difficult to focus, and to learn efficiently. That’s why it’s important to sleep early because devices harms our brains.
Have the time off that one bright screen. Let’s see if there’s change in your reality.

The author's comments:

A problem in the world right now. Distracts important timing

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