Mind Battles | Teen Ink

Mind Battles

February 3, 2016
By Mark_____t BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
Mark_____t BRONZE, Carrollton, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." ~Benjamin Franklin~

War, not a war of the physical but a war of the mind. Battles are fought between your controlled and uncontrolled conscious. The borders that at one time contained those thoughts you loved to keep hidden from your ego have broken. Scramble an army to defend the capitals of your conscious before the evil thoughts take you over. What stops these thoughts? Alcohol? Drugs? Sex? Writing? I've tried it all. Sounds clichè but you don’t know what it's like until you experienced the front lines of mind battles. Those other things... They only stall one problem while creating another one. They don't defeat your enemy, they just keep the enemy at bay. These enemies are the thoughts that you don't want to think about. Maybe someone you loved cheating on you, death in your family, anything that could slowly relapse in your mind, consuming your thoughts every second of every day. Trying to capture the headquarters of your mind. The only way to truly send these thoughts back to where they came from is to fight them. Good thoughts. They are the polar opposite of the evil thoughts. You must think up the good times, these good thoughts are your army. They fight for everything that your conscious stands for. Each thought a fully armed soldier that is completely devoted to defending your happiness. Don’t underestimate the power of good thoughts. Sometimes, they are all you have. When the bad thoughts march on your mind, an army looking only to conquer your entire conscious, that's when you summon your soldiers, the good thoughts. Then they will fight. They will fight as long as you will fight. Keep thinking up these thoughts and they will keep fighting until the evil thoughts retreat back to the unconscious. You can't ever forget the things that have happened to you. You can, however, make them submit to you. Your thoughts might run wild, but you can tame them. There might be some battles in your mind between happy and sad thoughts, but you can beat them and reign victorious of your mind.

The author's comments:

The human conscious is incredible.


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