'The Idealists' | Teen Ink

'The Idealists'

December 1, 2023
By Chessplayer08 GOLD, Shenzhen, Other
Chessplayer08 GOLD, Shenzhen, Other
15 articles 2 photos 0 comments

I think that one of the most significant differences between an idealistic person and a realistic person is that when the idealist faces a blank of white, they would see it as ‘constructive,’ Although in many cases, they don’t really necessarily know how to construct and what to construct. It’s just a feeling. Realistic people, however, see white as mere, pure white—— as it is presented. When these two completely different types of people try to communicate with each other, gap and misunderstanding is almost inevitable, like geometry —— Euclidean geometry and Riemannian geometry started with just slightly different assumptions at the step of axiom and developed into two completely different systems.

One perfect example of this situation would be parents and their children. Children see their future career as full of possibilities—— again, even if they don’t really have definite thoughts. Parents, though, often felt anxious, at least to a certain extent. This is where awkward things appear and, even worse, continue through a sustained amount of time during the child’s childhood. What is even more awkward is that parents call themselves a ‘passenger’(from the past), and whenever you(the child) go into any further in-depth discussion, they would think you are being ‘unmatured’ —— or whatever they think, and you can’t even argue with them —— because what they said are simply unfalsifiable —— just because they live 20 or 30 years longer than you.

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