The World Inside Water | Teen Ink

The World Inside Water

December 3, 2018
By Cmkal070 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Cmkal070 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The World Inside Water
I dive into the water and feel the quick transition down my body from warm to cold. As the water surrounds me, it first covers my arms, then my head, then my torso and legs. I feel the water engulf me, bringing a tingling sensation into every nerve. My skin is plunged into a temporary shock, before realizing it has felt this many times before. I jump without worry. The water perfectly catches my fall like it were expecting me. I allow myself to slowly rise to the surface, feeling graceful and elegant in a sea of bubbles that fizzle and dissolve around me.
I begin my stroke. My hands hit the water one at a time, and drag to my side. With every stroke, I hear a gentle tap. As I push down on the water, I feel it push back and support me. Every movement I make is mirrored in the rushing of the water around me, and I can hear the swishing of liquid rush by my ears. It’s not an uncomfortable sound; it is graceful, much like the gentle sway of trees in a light breeze. The sound of my stroke starts a rhythm in my head. Tap, tap, tap.
Eventually, I turn my head to take a breath. As I turn my head, I fill my lungs as deep down as I can. I feel the oxygen rush to every corner of my body and renew each cell with fresh energy. As I take my breath, I hear the water fold down on itself, as if I’m listening to waves sink down on a beach. I put my head back down and keep going. I watch the tiles on the bottom of the pool fade by, like watching out a car window on the freeway. They are blue, shiny, and dainty. There are many small tiles, but they blend into one large one as they rush by in a blur. As I reach the wall, I tuck my chin and flip. I see the pool swirl by as my head goes upside down and my feet swing over my body. Once I’m completely turned around, I feel my feet touch the wall and I push. As I rise to the surface again, I continue my stroke. Tap, swish, tap swish, tap. My movements are confident, they are the result of the constant repetition that has embedded them into my brain.
The next time I touch the wall, I don’t continue. My hand feels the wall and pulls upwards, allowing my head to break the surface of the water. I feel water trickling down my face, and hear the patter of the drops running off my chin into the pool. Quickly pulled into air, my face feels cold and tingly as a breeze grazes over the droplets of water that run down it. I take my goggles off my eyes, allowing me to see the world around me crystal clear. With the absence of motion, the water has a loving stillness to it. It perfectly surrounds me, a blanket of familiarity. The comfort of consistency captivates my mind and body, allowing me to worry of nothing but the sweetness of my beautifully crafted surroundings. Suddenly snapping me out of my peace, I hear screaming followed by a large splash. As a large wave rushes over me, I see the end result of a cannonball rippling through the pool like leaves in the wind. As the wave passes over me, my mouth is filled with the familiar salty and bitter taste if chlorine. The bitterness does not bother me, I’ve grown used to it.
I close my eyes and allow the ripples in the water to drift me slowly. The sound of water flowing lulls me into a nearly hypnotic state. I allow my ears to be saturated by the water’s tune. The slow rhythm of the water is like a sweet melody that sings a baby to sleep. The slow sway of the water corresponds with the wind which blows the trees in song. The trees calmly dance to the music; their leaves and branches add to the rhythm. Tap, tap, tap. I open my eyes and watch as the sun smiles down on the crystal clear surface of the water, adding an angelic glow. I am set free to just exist, without being aware of my existence at all. The water is like a safe haven, and it is pure and innocent in its simple nature. I feel as though I’m curled up and asleep in God’s loving, gentle hands.
The breeze carries a scent of the orange trees that hang over the nearby fence. The sweet citrus mixes with the freshness of the outdoors, creating a perfume quite like a spring candle. As I breath in the tranquil air, I allow myself to float along the water once more. The feeling of letting go reminds me of the simplicity behind our complex world. The water gently takes my hand, and leads me away from my thoughts. I can close my eyes and trust the water to take care of me. My stress drifts off with the water and is carried away by the breeze. The water holds me as a father holds his baby daughter, as she allows him to kiss her goodnight. The water allows time to slow, and gravity to halt. Here is where I know I belong.

The author's comments:

I’ve been a competetive swimmer since the age of five and swimming has always been a huge part of my life. Swimming is something that I love doing. I feel in control, and it frees me of my stress. This is what this article is about.

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